What’s causing the US baby formula shortage – and how to make sure it doesn’t happen again

A baby formula shortage has added to the woes of American parents already confronted with the pressures of raising an infant during a pandemic in a country ranked low for family-friendly policies. Media reports have highlighted the plight of mothers, fathers and caregivers across the U.S. who have scrambled to find scarce supplies, or driven […]

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The US is importing baby formula to help end supply shortage – what parents need to know

Industry and federal efforts to alleviate a baby formula shortage in the U.S. are ramping up, with the import of foreign brands supplementing increased domestic production. It follows a crisis in which mothers, fathers and caregivers across the U.S. have had to scramble to find scarce supplies or drive long distances to buy formula. But […]

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Why can’t you remember being born, learning to walk or saying your first words? What scientists know about ‘infantile amnesia’

Whenever I teach about memory in my child development class at Rutgers University, I open by asking my students to recall their very first memories. Some students talk about their first day of pre-K; others talk about a time when they got hurt or upset; some cite the day their younger sibling was born. Despite […]

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